Ionic POS App

Hybrid Mobile POS Application, based on Ionic 4 & Angular 8

Hybrid Mobile POS Application, based on Ionic 4 & Angular 8


App screenshots



Setup Firebase Account

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  firebaseConfig: {
    apiKey: '<your-key>',
    authDomain: '<your-project-authdomain>',
    databaseURL: '<your-database-URL>',
    projectId: '<your-project-id>',
    storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>',
    messagingSenderId: '<your-messaging-sender-id>',
    appId: '<your-app-id>',
    measurementId: '<your-measurement-id>'

Add new language

The project use ngx-translate library for translation. See an example at here

export const SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES: SupportedLanguage[] = [
    lang: 'fr',
    locale: 'fr-FR',
    name: __('French'),
    currency: {
      symbol: "€",
      name: "Euro",
      symbol_native: "€",
      decimal_digits: 2,
      rounding: 0,
      code: "EUR",
      name_plural: "Euro",
      formatter: {
        is_symbol_prefix: false,
        delimiters: ' |,',
        space_between: true
      } as any
  "scripts": {
    "extract": "ngx-translate-extract --input ./src --output ./src/assets/i18n/{en,vi,fr}.json --clean --format json"

You can now run npm run extract and it will extract strings from your project.

Build and Run

Open Terminal and go to project root path

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Run on browser

$ ionic serve

Run on Android device

Plug in your Android phone into your PC

Run by Ionic CLI

$ ionic codrova run android

Run by Android Studio

Run on iOS

$ ionic cordova prepare ios